Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can reduce degenerative knee arthritis, foot pain, and weakness.

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Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can reduce degenerative knee arthritis, foot pain, and weakness.


The 58-year-old Ms. M. has suffered from degenerative knee arthritis for many years. The pain in both knees has reduced her quality of life. She usually does not dare to go out. After walking for more than 15 minutes, she will feel pain. Influenced her willingness to go out independently. Injecting hyaluronic acid and taking painkillers could not relieve the pain. The orthopedic doctor suggested that she might need to replace the artificial joint if it could not improve. Ms. M. sought the help of traditional Chinese medicine and hoped that the symptoms could be alleviated.


The use of the knee joint for many years will lead to cartilage wear and tear, resulting in bone spurs and joint deformation, resulting in knee joint pain, thus affecting the function of activities and the quality of life. It occurs in the elderly, postmenopausal women, and those who are overweight.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that joint pain is caused by wind, cold, dampness, and other external pathogens invading the human body, resulting in poor qi and blood circulation and obstruction of meridians and collaterals, causing pain symptoms.


In Chinese herbal medicine, Qianghuo can dispel wind and dredge collaterals. Use for the pain is severe for those with cold pathogens, and the location is fixed. Fuzi can warm the meridians to disperse cold; used for dampness-based pathogens, joint pain, and heavy pain.


When acupuncture treatment, Zusanli points to invigorate the spleen and stomach, relieve dampness and reduce swelling; take Neixiyan, and Dubi points to promote circulation in the knee joint cavity and stimulate cartilage repair.


After more than a month of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine treatment, Ms. M.’s knee pain and discomfort have gradually improved, and she can walk to take the bus by herself.


Knee joint degeneration is not an exclusive disease of the elderly. If you often have poor posture and are overweight, you may also face the problem of arthritis early. Therefore, you should pay attention to maintaining the joints, such as avoiding squatting and kneeling and being overweight. People should lose weight to reduce the pressure on the knees. Apply more heat to the knees to promote blood circulation, wear suitable elastic cloth shoes, the insole can cushion the force on the knees, and leg lifts or other exercises that strengthen the quadriceps of the thighs can help the knees. Have good stability and avoid injury.


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