During an acupuncture treatment, is the pain good or not?

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During an acupuncture treatment, is the pain good or not?


Many patients who come to the acupuncture will ask whether acupuncture hurts or not. For fear of pain, some patients who are particularly suitable for acupuncture treatment will give up acupuncture and miss the best treatment time.
For some patients with sequelae of stroke, the family members think that the more painful the acupuncture, the better, which means that the patient’s nerves are still more sensitive, and the pain of acupuncture is getting stronger and stronger, which is also a sign of effectiveness. So, is the pain good or not pain during acupuncture?


Usually, acupuncture needles will produce a feeling of soreness, numbness, swelling, and heaviness after insert into acupuncture points of the human body. Sometimes it is a sensation that is difficult to describe. Some patients feel comfortable, which can be a kind of comfortable feeling, but some Patients will mistake this numbness and discomfort for pain. This uncomfortable pain is found in the “acupoints” and “meridians,” not on the epidermis, and usually deep. From a professional point of view, these feelings indicate that they have “getting qi.” They are a response to correct acupuncture points and effective techniques. If these feelings are weak, acupuncturists sometimes “twist” according to different conditions and different physical constitutions. Needle-handling techniques such as “lifting and inserting” adjust the sense of “getting qi” in acupuncture to enhance the therapeutic effect of acupuncture.
The moment the acupuncture needle penetrates the skin, there is often a short-term pain like a mosquito bite.


Practitioners who are skilled in the technique will have little or no pain. Of course, it has something to do with the patient’s mood. The more relaxed it is, the less noticeable it will be. However, tingling pain in the skin surface layer is caused by the needle sticking to the pores or capillaries. This feeling starts when the needle penetrates the skin; disappears until the needle is pulled out of the skin. For this situation, sometimes, the practitioner will choose to re-acupuncture.
Therefore, there is generally no pain during acupuncture treatment, even if there is a slight instant pain like a mosquito bite. However, in most cases, the acid, numbness, swelling, and heavy sensation produced by local or along the meridian can be felt, and it is also an effective response to acupuncture.

As for the effect of acupuncture treatment, it is not simply evaluated in terms of pain or no pain.

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