Healthy Breastfeeding

How to nourish the spleen and stomach? Get rid of these eight lifestyle habits, make your spleen and stomach healthy and healthy.
August 2, 2021
August 13, 2021
How to nourish the spleen and stomach? Get rid of these eight lifestyle habits, make your spleen and stomach healthy and healthy.
August 2, 2021
August 13, 2021

Healthy Breastfeeding

Breast milk is essential to the baby, but not every mother can complete this mission.
Putting aside the physiological problems, many mothers question their breastfeeding ability to some extent. Almost all mothers go through a stage of self-doubt when they start breastfeeding, wondering whether their milk is enough to feed their children.
For most mothers, the real problem lies in breastfeeding, not the process of milk production. They can produce much milk, but they may not eat enough due to the wrong sucking part. The time of breastfeeding should be determined according to the needs of the baby. Between the two, breastfeed. The most important thing is that you must not postpone or ignore the time of breastfeeding. Otherwise, the nipple will be affected. Blockage may also swell the milk and suffer from mastitis.
Fortunately, many possible problems can be significantly improved through modern medical technology, traditional Chinese medicine.

The viewpoint of Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine advocates breastfeeding by mothers because breast milk contains all the nutrients needed by the baby and has many benefits. When a mother is breastfeeding, she only needs to remember to wipe her nipples clean, which is quick and convenient. The temperature of the milk is just right, and there is no pollution. In addition, breast milk can improve the baby’s immunity, promote brain development and reduce sensitive reactions.

Although the benefits of breastfeeding are countless, it is understandable that many women who have just given birth are always in a hurry in the face of a newborn baby. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Newborn mothers should calmly deal with problems when they are breastfeeding. Don’t be impatient. Where should I start breastfeeding? After giving birth, breastfeed as soon as possible and frequent breastfeeding to promote milk secretion. In Chinese medicine philosophy, mothers can’t breastfeed mainly due to three reasons, including postpartum weakness, breast duct obstruction, and underdeveloped breasts.

Chinese medicine believes that after giving birth, women are all weak. Weakness is the so-called emptiness of a hundred pulses, so tonic is fundamental, especially in nourishing qi and blood. The Bazhen soup, Shiquan Dabutang, or Angelica mutton soup for confinement meals are good soups for invigorating Qi and blood. If it is because of the obstruction of the mammary duct, you can take Chinese medicine to improve it. As for what kind of medicine to take, It depends on the individual’s physique. In this regard, you must seek treatment with Chinese medicine.

Many breastfeeding mothers may have such concerns, Chinese medicine is made of plants, and Chinese medicine practitioners also carefully choose Chinese medications that do not cause side effects for breastfeeding mothers to consume. In addition, they are very safe to eat with confidence, as for people born with underdeveloped mammary glands. 

 Many people think that large breasts can produce much milk, but this statement is wrong. Whether we can have enough milk depends on how many glands there are in the breast. Small breasts with many glands can also make much milk.

To provide sufficient milk for the baby and solve the problems of frailty and obstruction first, we must also pay special attention to the quality of sleep and eating habits. If the mother does not get enough rest, the milk production will also be greatly reduced. Therefore, another thing worth noting is eating habits. Mothers must pay attention to milk quality, so they must eat healthily, provide the most nutrition for the baby, and be careful not to eat cold or spicy food.

Mothers drink more soups, such as chicken soup, high in protein, and light soups, which can supplement the water mothers need. In addition, longan, red dates, angelica, Dangshan, and wolfberry are excellent Chinese medicinal materials for promoting milk and replenishing blood.

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