TCM infertility-What kind of help can we provide?
November 6, 2021
How Can Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Help You Understand Your Fertility?
December 2, 2021
TCM infertility-What kind of help can we provide?
November 6, 2021
How Can Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Help You Understand Your Fertility?
December 2, 2021

Diet before pregnancy

Take more before pregnancy: sea cucumber, sirloin, burdock, seafood (shrimp), durian.

Women who want to become pregnant can take more foods that supplement hormones. It is also one of the sources of infertility in the so-called tonifying kidney in traditional Chinese medicine, especially if there is no problem in the gynecological examination. Generally speaking, it is functional infertility. Acupuncture and herbal medicine invigorate the kidney. With its special effects, healthy sperm and egg growth are inseparable from the enrichment of kidney essence.

Modern medical research has pointed out that invigorating the kidney can regulate the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland and ovaries. As a result, it improves the ovarian responsiveness to luteinizing hormone and promotes follicles’ maturation and discharge. However, it is not suitable for hormone-dependent diseases, such as endometrial cancer. For seafood, please check whether you have allergies. If so, do not consume seafood.

Before pregnancy, you can not eat Yiyiren, crabs, ice.

Regardless of physical fitness, Yiyiren, crabs, ice such cold things need to be avoided. The uterus should be warm like warm weather can be born of all things, barren ice and snow. Of course, someone said to eat cold. What is the relationship between cold things and the uterus? Let me give you an example. Drinking ice water only passes through the digestive tract, and other places should not be affected. How can I get a headache when I eat ice? When ice passes through the digestive tract, it will stimulate the pain nerves in our head and cause headaches, so will the uterus be affected? Girls with dysmenorrhea know that they can’t eat ice during menstruation.

In addition, shrimps and crabs impact the hormones in the body, which may increase physical discomfort for the mother in the early stage of pregnancy. Coix seed will promote uterine contractions. Therefore, it is best not to eat these things in early pregnancy. Distinguish foods that cannot be eaten according to physique: 

Hot physique: Eat less fried barbecue, onion, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, ginger duck, leeks, and mustard. Do not drink herbal tea by yourself or anneal raw and cold fruits. Modern people stay up late with a lot of stress and impetuosity, which can easily cause physical irritation. Herbal tea or raw cold fruits can remove heat and reduce the heat of the upper body for a while, but this cold air will also reach the uterus of the lower body and cause the uterus to become more severe. In addition, in the cold, the seeds cannot germinate in the cold earth.

 Phlegm constitution: Eat less greasy food, eggs, milk, glutinous rice, durian, pig’s feet, fatty meat, sweets, and lose weight. If BMI is too high, eat less greasy food or too many processed foods, and avoid sweets. In addition, you must cooperate with exercise to lose weight to have a successful pregnancy. 

Cold constitution: Eat less raw and cold melons and fruits such as watermelon, papaya, pear, persimmon, cold drinks, lettuce salad, and sashimi.

Long-term cold drinks and ice products overeat, resulting in the iceberg beauties with cold hands and feet throughout the year. In addition to coix seeds, crabs, and ice, avoid eating natural-cold fruits, lettuce, and sashimi.


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