How Can Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Help You Understand Your Fertility?

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How Can Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Help You Understand Your Fertility?


What is basal body temperature?

Basal body temperature (BBT) refers to the body temperature measured by a woman after 6 to 8 hours of sleep before she does any activity. It is also the lowest body temperature of the human body in a day. Many people are preparing to become pregnant and want to know the ovulation period. By measuring your basal body temperature, you can determine if you are in the ovulation period.

How to take basal body temperature?

The “basic thermometer” that measures the menstrual cycle is entirely different from the available thermometer that measures body temperature.

The time for measuring basal body temperature is mainly waking up. Therefore, most people are in the morning. It does not matter if the working hours are reversed, as long as 6-8 hours of adequate sleep and a fixed amount of time are enough. You can shake the last night beforehand and put it under the bedside table or pillow. Then, when you wake up, please take out the basal thermometer, put it under the tongue for at least 2 minutes, and then read it, and finally record it on the basal thermometer or forms.

If you wake up in the middle of the night or drink water, rinse your mouth, catch a cold, or feel sick, it will affect the measurement of basal body temperature. It is recorded on the basal body temperature table every day until menstruation. After that, it is the one-month basal body temperature table.


Step 1: First, go to the pharmacy to buy a basal thermometer. Unlike ordinary thermometers, it can accurately record two digits after the decimal point. Even if the body temperature rises slightly, it can be accurately measured.

Step 2: Put the basal thermometer before going to bed where you can get it by the pillow, and when you wake up the next day, when you have not yet got up (try to keep your body still in bed), put it under your tongue for measurement, and wait for the beeping sound, Wait for the temperature to stabilize for 3-5 seconds, read the temperature and record it on the thermometer, and link today’s points with yesterday’s points.

Step 3: It is most accurate to fix the same time every day. The principle is no more than one hour before and after. Please indicate the measurement time in the remarks column for more than one hour.

Step 4: Measure every day as much as possible. Suppose there is a time lag or a cold, fever, sex. You can indicate it on the form (leave a blank on the day without measurement).

Step 5: Please mark “X” in the remarks column in the menstrual period. Specify”○”to indicate business. Annotated”∆”means menstrual pain. Mark”●”to indicate fever. Mark”□”for insomnia.

Please remember that you must bring your basal body temperature table with you every time you visit.


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