How does Chinese medicine interpret immunity?

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How does Chinese medicine interpret immunity?

Traditional Chinese medicine did not have immunity in ancient times, but it mentioned “Zheng Qi.” Zheng Qi appeared in the “Huangdi Neijing.”

When a person is healthy, the traditional Chinese medical saying is that “Jing, Qi, and Shen” are all good. This is because Jing Qi Shen shows a person’s personality and physical condition. When a person is in the best condition, getting tired is not easy, and he will look great. The spirit is also very peaceful.

However, modern people often suffer from a lack of qi and blood, blockage of meridian or high pressure, and poor sleep, all of which interact with immunity. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, low immunity is usually due to a qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach, which means that the spleen and stomach cannot function properly. In addition, if there is a deficiency of cereal essence (nutrients), the qi may not make up. Digestion and absorption of cereal essence are the raw materials of blood. When Qi and blood are insufficient, they cannot reach every corner of the body, local infections are not easy to heal, and immunity is, of course, imbalanced.

In fact, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, when a person’s yang and yin, qi, and blood are sufficient and balanced, it is equivalent to having a healthy immunity. Once the immunity is imbalanced, it needs time and effort to return to the state of good spirits and spirits. It takes much effort, and the longer it takes, the longer it will take to regulate the physique. Generally speaking, tonifying qi or blood is only the first step in controlling the physique.

Why is immunity insufficient?

It is easy to catch colds, recurrent vaginitis, uterine disease, cancer. If the cells are inflamed and lack healthy energy to help repair or reduce, they will get sick. At this time, we would recommend strengthening the spleen and tonifying qi because the “congenital qi” cannot be changed, and the “acquired qi” can be regulated. The spleen and stomach are the primary paths for absorbing the essence of cereal, and it is also the source of “acquired qi.”

For example, Chinese yam, Poria, and Codonopsis are Chinese herbal medicine materials that invigorate the spleen and nourish qi. They are also suitable for food tonics such as dripping chicken essence, high-quality protein, and qi-tonifying tea. In addition, the main living habits are not to consume excessive gas, get enough sleep. Still, they do not overwork, do not stay up late, pay attention to balanced nutrition, exercise moderately, and avoid excessively intense exercise to weaken the immune system. The gain is not worth the loss.


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