How to nourish the spleen and stomach? Get rid of these eight lifestyle habits, make your spleen and stomach healthy and healthy.

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How to nourish the spleen and stomach? Get rid of these eight lifestyle habits, make your spleen and stomach healthy and healthy.

In the theory of Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are inseparable good brothers. “All diseases are caused by the decay of the spleen and stomach” is Li Dongyuan’s classic exposition of the spleen and stomach in “On the Spleen and Stomach.” The stomach is one of the six internal organs responsible for the reception and initial digestion of food. The spleen is one of the five internal organs and is responsible for transportation and absorption. Only when the spleen and the stomach cooperate can ensure the body’s nutrient absorption and the transport and transformation of food to Qi and blood. Therefore, Nourishing the spleen and stomach is very important to your health.

How to raise the spleen and stomach? Is it okay to use traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening the spleen and stomach? Not paying attention in daily life and have the bad habit of hurting the spleen and stomach. It is slowly breaking the spleen and stomach, waiting for all kinds of problems caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, and then taking medicine to regulate it is just a bad idea. Rather than taking medication, we recommend paying attention to the recuperation of the spleen and stomach in daily life. Only by maintaining good and healthy eating and living habits can the spleen and stomach be fundamentally healthy. The bad habits that hurt the spleen and stomach mainly include the following:

1. The diet is not regular. We often say that there are three meals a day, but many friends cannot adhere to a regular diet. The regularity of diet develops the biological rhythm of the spleen and stomach. The eating interval will be long and short, which will affect the gut—the secretion of gastric acid in the lower part and duodenum. Many young people with irregular diets have duodenal ulcers. Older friends have a higher incidence of gastric ulcers and chronic gastritis.

2. Long-term skipping of breakfast is also a risk factor for the spleen and stomach. Do not eat breakfast, but the stomach will still secrete gastric juice at 8-9 in the morning. When there is no food in the stomach, gastric acid will irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition to irritating the stomach, skipping breakfast for a long time can also lead to gallstone problems.

3. Overeating. Many young friends are clamoring for health while, on the other side they often cannot restrain their appetite. As a result, they overeating when they encounter something they love to eat, but they don’t realize that this is an essential aspect of hurting the spleen and stomach. Overeating can cause disorders of the digestive system, frequent overeating, gastrointestinal discomfort, chest tightness, shortness of breath, diarrhea or constipation, acute gastroenteritis, gastric bleeding are also closely related to overeating.

4. Excessive anxiety hurts the spleen and stomach, and don’t underestimate the influence of emotions on physical health. Worrying and hurting the spleen is a Chinese medicine saying that emotions affect the spleen and stomach. Often overthinking will affect the normal physiological activities of the spleen and stomach, leading to spleen and stomach sluggishness, abnormal movement, abdominal tightness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, dizziness, and other symptoms.

5. Overwork, excessive fatigue affect the functioning of the spleen and stomach. Extreme fatigue does not necessarily make people lose weight, it may also be puffy, but with obesity, there are also cases of poor mental state. However, excessive fatigue, whether psychological or physical, is a fundamental cause of injury to the spleen and stomach, leading to the decreased spleen and stomach function.

6. Smoking and alcohol abuse can hurt the spleen and stomach. The nicotine in tobacco can directly damage the gastric mucosa and cause the small arteries of the gastric mucosa to contract. The coal tar in smoking can also promote the increase of gastric acid secretion. Drinking also has direct irritation to the gastric mucosa. Drinking much alcohol can also cause gastric acid and bile. In addition, excessive secretion of serotonin can damage the gastric mucosa. Therefore, if you want a healthy spleen and stomach, you must quit smoking and limit alcohol.

7. Frequent consumption of raw and cold foods can harm the spleen and stomach. It’s not that you can’t eat raw and cold, but you must pay attention to the right amount. In Chinese medicine theory, the spleen is like dryness, the stomach is warm, and overeating raw and cold food will reduce the defense ability of the stomach. As a result, the gastric mucosa will appear erosion and other problems.

8. Sitting for a long time without exercise can hurt the spleen. Due to work or other reasons, often sitting for a long time without exercising is the norm for many friends. In traditional Chinese medicine, long-term sitting injures the flesh, referring to an injury to the spleen. The spleen is the center of the body’s energy storage and utilization, and it governs the muscles. It is often sedentary and lacks exercise. Lack of exercise hurts our spleen’s transport and chemical functions, which leads to muscle degradation and impaired body vitality.

Regarding the eight bad habits that damage the spleen and stomach, how many do you have? Suppose you can get rid of these bad habits that damage the spleen and stomach as soon as possible, and maintain good living habits to nourish the spleen and stomach, prevent problems before they happen. Control is better than thinking about eating what medicine regulates the spleen and stomach every day.





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