How to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI)?

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How to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI)?

The sweltering weather in summer is a typical season for urinary tract infections.

Because of women’s physiological structure, women often get infected repeatedly. How to maintain and how to prevent repeated urinary tract infections effectively?

Did urethritis and vaginitis make you urinate frequently and itchy to hard fall asleep? The urinary tract refers to the entire urinary system of the human body, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra (males will add prostate) bacterial infections, causing frequent urination, burning when urinating, and other irregularities.

Urinary tract infections occur in both men and women, but women are more common in all age groups. Because of the physiological structure of women, according to statistics, more than 33% of women will have at least one urinary tract or vaginal infection in their lives, and the probability is eight times that of men. Moreover, once it happened, it will repeatedly infect easily.

 The most critical bacteria causing urinary tract infections is Escherichia coli, which may be caused by poor urination habits, incorrect wiping methods, or sexual behavior, causing bacteria to be retrograde to the bladder, ureters, kidneys and causing urinary tract infections. Especially the sultry weather in summer, it is the season for urinary tract infections.

What causes the urinary tract infection:

1.Before and after sex should urinate

After sex, they often carry bacteria into the vagina and anus of the urethra, bladder, or even inside. Therefore, we recommended that after sexual intercourse should urinating, if necessary, have to do the cleaning action.

2. Often holding your pee

The urine in the bladder stays too long, resulting in increased chances of infection.

3. Wipe the genitals error embodiment

Urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli is carried from the feces, so after urination, toilet paper wiping direction should wipe from the vaginal opening to the anus, when the wiping in the wrong direction, it is easy to bring the bacteria which between the anus and vaginal into the urinary tract and even the bladder then cause infection.

4. Wear tight pants frequently 

Tight pants can cause genital hot, increase the chance of bacterial growth; suggests that the public should wear cotton, loose, airy outside the pants.

 Four nutrients to prevent urinary tract infections:

1. 2500c.c water drinks a day at least. 

A healthy person should drink at least 2000~2500c.c. of water a day, and it is best not to wait until they are thirsty; or it can be thought of as the number of urinations per day is not less than seven times, this kind of urination times The quantity is just the amount of water that is most suitable for you.

2. Add the right amount of probiotics

Probiotics can help maintain the ecological flora of the gut and normal pH. It is suitable for intestinal, immune function; numerous studies have demonstrated that probiotics help for urinary tract infections, can reduce the occurrence of vaginal inflammation, urethral inflammation, and other conditions.

3. Adequate intake of cranberry

The research found that cranberries contain specific nutrients, called “A-type proanthocyanins bonding” (commonly known as “PACs”). This nutrient can inhibit E. coli adhesion; at the same time can make urine appear Acidic, lower the pH of urine and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. However, many female friends will buy cranberry juice to drink but do not buy sugary liquid because the sugar will promote harmful bacteria. It is best to eat cranberry directly or drink sugar-free cranberry Raspberry juice.

As for how much to drink? Studies have confirmed that you must consume at least 36 mg of PACs per day if you want to prevent urinary tract infections. Each cranberry contains about 1.5 mg of PACs. Therefore, if you eat about 24 cranberries a day, you can reach 36 mg.

4. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory substance, vitamin C in the face of infection, can help the body fight infection; also have found that taking vitamin C can acidify, thereby reducing the number of bacteria in the urine. Vitamin C is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. 

Avoid the following food:

1. Refined sugar

Studies have proven that sugar will increase the body’s inflammation and bacterial growth. Hence, people with diabetes are often susceptible to bleeding urethritis, vaginitis because when units with high sugar, let urethra during urine long enough to get bacteria Of nutrients and multiply.

2. Spicy, irritable food

Spicy and hot food, coffee, alcohol will stimulate the production of inflammation.

3. Fried, high-fat foods

Too much greasy food can infect the human immune system and the harmful bacteria to breed, making inflammation more severe. Therefore, people who like to eat fried, high-fat foods are also prone to have acne.

Two recipes to prevent urinary tract infections

Cranberry lemon juice

Ingredients: 1 lemon, 50 cranberries, 500c.c. of boiling water.


1. Squeeze the whole lemon into juice for later use.

2. Put the cranberry and boiling water into the juicer, and stir together with the lemon.

Why to eat:

1. This drink is rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins, which can eliminate excess bacteria in the body, acidify urine, and reduce the chance of urinary tract infection.

2. If the taste is too strong, you can dilute it with 800c.c. water, or drink it as regular drinking water.

Berry Yogurt

Ingredients: 5 strawberries, one blueberry, one dozen cranberries, ten mulberries, and one bowl of original yogurt.

1. Wash strawberries and cut in half; wash blueberries, cranberries, and mulberries for later use.

2. Place the original yogurt at the bottom of the plate, spread strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and mulberries evenly, and then enjoy.

Why to eat:

1. The good bacteria of yogurt can increase intestinal function, improve immunity, and at the same time can restore the body’s pH value and avoid urinary tract infections.

2. Yogurt should choose original yogurt, do not add sugar. Otherwise, it will encourage the growth of bacteria.


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