What are the signs of facial paralysis? How to prevent it?

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What are the signs of facial paralysis? How to prevent it?




Many people have experienced slanted mouths and slanted eyes in life. Everyone knows that this is facial paralysis. Why do you have this symptom? How did it happen? Do you all know the answers to a series of questions? Today, we talk about facial paralysis.

Facial paralysis is a common name for facial nerve palsy. It is a common and frequently-occurring disease. The number of people who have facial paralysis increases sharply during the cold winter. If the cold wind blows directly on the face for a long time, it will cause vasospasm of the local nutrient nerves due to excessive cold stimulation, leading to ischemia and edema of the nerve tissue and causing disease. Some patients whose facial nerves are swollen, compressed and damaged due to factors such as overwork, viral colds causing facial paralysis.

The etiology of facial paralysis has a specific relationship with age. Typically, middle-aged and older women are the majority of people who have a facial paralysis. The incidence of women is about twice that of men, and the typical age of onset is 40-50 years old. With the changes in people’s lifestyles, the youngest person with facial paralysis is only eight years old.

In addition, some people are more likely to suffer from facial paralysis. For example, women in pregnancy and puerperium are more likely to suffer from facial paralysis than ordinary people; some patients with facial paralysis have a history of fatigue before illness, and their immunity is relatively weak. Large fluctuations, such as anger, fear, tension, and excessive pressure, are also susceptible to facial paralysis.


Aura of facial paralysis that needs attention

When I got up in the morning, I found abnormal facial conditions, such as facial muscle stiffness, uncoordinated movements, and the corners of the mouth tilted to one side. At this time, it is necessary to suspect whether it is a sign of facial paralysis. Re-development can be seen as wrinkles disappear on the face, the eye sockets enlarge or shrink, the nasolabial fold disappears, that is, the position in the person becomes flat, and the corners of the mouth droop. There will be abnormal facial expressions on one side in severe cases, unable to close eyes, bulging cheeks, pouting. At this time, you should contact your health provider as soon as possible.

In addition, if psychological reasons cause the facial paralysis, the precursors of facial paralysis are usually stiff facial expression, physical fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of energy or mental tension and physical discomfort, and then the facial wrinkles disappear, the nasolabial folds are flat. The eye clefts are enlarged, drooping corners of the mouth, crooked corners of the mouth to the healthy side when teeth are shown.

What needs to be reminded is that some facial paralysis has an aura. In addition to invading the facial nerve, the virus also invades the auditory nerve, cochlea, and vestibular nerve. These patients will feel pain in the area behind the affected side’s ear 1 to 3 days before the onset of the disease. Some people have migraines or herpes in the dramatic side’s ear. According to statistics, about 80% of patients with facial paralysis have had pain behind the ears, which is generally dull pain, and some sensitive patients can perceive it as fullness pain. Once the disease occurs, contact your health provider for treatment in time to avoid missing the best treatment time. For acupuncture, treatment start is perfect in two weeks from the disorder happened.

The symptoms of facial paralysis are facial expression muscles completely paralyzed, forehead wrinkles disappear, eye fissures more giant, nasolabial folds become flat, mouth corners droop, mouth corners are crooked when teeth are exposed, half of the face cannot be wrinkled forehead and other facial expressions, and the mouth cannot close.

How to prevent facial paralysis?

1.Maintaining a happy mood. A good mood is the best way to prevent facial paralysis. Therefore, you should pay attention to the changes in your emotions, keep a positive mindset at all times, and avoid emotional irritation, excessive sadness.

2. Take defensive measures outdoors. When you need to go out in cold and windy weather, it is best to wear masks, hats to avoid wind and rain on your face.

3. Do more exercise to promote the circulation of qi and blood. And do more facial massage, rub the face, hot compress, eat a balanced diet, and avoid spicy food.


Suffering from facial paralysis should pay attention to adequate rest, work, rest together, relax, and don’t be irritable. Eat a light diet and don’t eat raw or cold food. Keep the affected side and ears warm.

Acupuncture can shorten the course of the Bell’s palsy and reduce the sequelae. Book your healthy life today!

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