What can Chinese medicine help with Sciatica?

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What can Chinese medicine help with Sciatica?


“The pain in my right waist has been a long time. It spreads from the waist to the buttocks and then to the feet. Every time the sky changes, and when I bend over, it will be worse. Western doctors told me that it was Sciatica. But I have already had rehabilitation, and I have taken many painkillers. Every time I take painkillers, the stomach feels uncomfortable. Is there any other way?” said a male patient in his 30s.

“Sciatica” is a disease that predominates among young and middle-aged males, but it has been found that other ethnic groups have gradually increased. The sciatic nerve is generally composed of the 4th lumbar vertebral nerve to the 3rd sacral nerve. It is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It passes through the hips and is distributed throughout the lower limbs. The so-called “sciatica” refers to the pain syndrome along the sciatic nerve pathway and its distribution area. Most of the reasons are lumbar disc herniation, arthritis, lumbar osteophyte formation (commonly known as bone spurs), or tumors.
However, its symptoms are usually unilateral, and lower back pain and lumbar stiffness often appear first. Then start from the waist, buttocks and spread to the back of the thighs, outside the calves, and instep. After that, it usually presents continuous or intermittent pain like “acupuncture,” “knife-cut,” and “electric shock.” Sometimes patients complain of getting worse when bending over, coughing, sneezing, or defecate. Long-term patients will have lower limb weakness, muscle weakness, and numbness, and even severe patients will have muscle atrophy. Generally confirm the diagnosis, including taking a waist X-ray, if necessary, computer tomography, or MRI examination.

Modern medicine treatment will give analgesics and muscle relaxants to control the pain in the initial stage. Rehabilitation therapy can be added if the effect is not apparent, which can generally relieve most of the symptoms. But if it is a severe patient, it must be treated with surgery. However, it is often found in outpatient clinics that many patients suffer from gastric discomfort due to the long-term use of painkillers. Or after a period of rehabilitation, the effect is still ineffective, and it has not yet reached the point where surgery is necessary. Or, for patients afraid of surgery, they can try acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine therapies.

“Sciatica” is believed in Chinese medicine caused by the invasion of wind, cold, and dampness, causing evil to stay in the meridians and stagnation of qi and blood. Generally, it can be divided into several aspects to treating the meridian, liver and kidney yin deficiency, and stagnation of qi and blood. Commonly used medicines such as Xiaohuoluodan, Danggui Tingtong, Shujing Huoxue Decoction, Duhuojijie Decoction, and Jishengshenqi Pills are all effective but should be adjusted according to the patient’s physique. Among the single-medicine medicines, such as Yanhusuo, Salvia, Chuanqi, and other medications that promote blood circulation and dredge collaterals, all can relieve pain numbness. In addition, the commonly used white peony and papaya have antispasmodic effects similar to muscle relaxants. However, there are no side effects like painkillers that can make the patient’s gastrointestinal discomfort.

In addition, acupuncture therapy is also effective for patients. However, in prevention and self-care, we must first avoid overwork. Especially for patients with frequent lumbar sprains, it is recommended to wear lumbar support to prevent further sprains from causing a more lumbar severe disc herniation. In addition, rest more. If possible, applying a hot compress to the painful area with a hot water bottle will also help.


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