Woman’s Health and Acupuncture

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Woman’s Health and Acupuncture


As a woman, it’s especially important to actively car for your health through all the phases of life. Not only is nurturing your well-being a part of living in harmony with nature, but it can also improve your quality of life.


Most women face a wide variety of health concerns as they are, from,premenstrual syndrome, fertility and childbirth issues, to menopause and beyond. Whatever your concerns may be, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine offer a safe, nature and effective way to support your physical and emotional health.



A whole-body Approach to Healing


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take a holistic and nurturing approach to getting you healthy. This is done by inserting fine sterile needles to stimulate important acupuncture meridian points found across the body to help promote healing. In addition to the insertion of needles, other techniques are used to stimulate the body’s nature healing abilities and to bring about homeostasis.


Acupuncture meridian points activate the body’s innate healing abilities acupuncturists call Qi. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi isthe vital energy that animates the body and protects it from illness. Qi flows through pathways called meridians and provides nourishment to the body’s cells, tissues, muscles, organs and glands. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi, health symptoms may appear. Remember, acupuncture is just one aspect of TCM, there are many modalities within TCM that may effectively contribute to restoring the body’s natural healing ability.


Most people experience little or no pain when receiving acupuncture- in fact, many experience a deep sense of relief, relaxation and elimination of specific symptoms and signs.


From a modern scientific perspective, stimulation of acupuncture meridian points causes the release of the nervous system chemicals in our brain, spinal cord, and muscles that help restore the body’s ability to heal naturally.


These chemicals provide tremendous healthy benefits, whether it is influencing your body to heal more quickly, or simply altering how you may be experiencing your pain. Regardless, the healing and regenerative properties of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are truly amazing; the only way to find out if acupuncture is the perfect treatment plan for you is to give it a try.



Gynecological Health


Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us specific meridian and organ systems, in this case the kidney, spleen and liver, are related to gynecological health.


When one or more of these systems affected, women may experience uncomfortable symptoms before and/ or during their menstrual cycle. Fertility issue can also be related to theses organs. Your practitioner will work to find the underlying imbalances and devise a treatment plan that help your body regain its natural balance.



Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)


Premenstrual syndrome, known as PMS, can cause cramps, bloating, fatigue, breast pain, mood swings and changes in appetite during the onset of menstruation. Unfortunately, many woman suffer from a wide variety of these symptoms every month to varying degrees. Your menstrual cycles can provide a great deal of information about your overall health. Acupuncture along with herbal medicine, dietary changes, and exercise, can help you aid in the relief of symptoms before and during menstruation.



Fibroids and Endometriosis


Change to your period can have a number of causes, some of which may be serious. If you start experiencing intense pain or heavy bleeding, talk to your health care provider right away to be safe. Uterine fibroids are one of the more common causes of menstrual problems for woman in their 30s and 40s. Fibrods are non-cancerous lumps that grow on the uterus. In some cases fibroids may cause long, heavy periods, pain during intimacy, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the abdominal area.


Endometriosis also affects many woman in their 30s and 40s. It occurs hen uterine cells start to grow outside the uterus. Uterine cells can cause lower back and pelvic pain during menstruation, pain during intimacy and nausea, voting, and fatigue.


Western treatments for both condition often include medications or surgery. While more research is needed, several studies have shown acupuncture may significantly reduce menstrual pain often associated with fibroids and endometriosis.



Fertility, pregnancy, and Childbirth


If you are facing fertility issues it can be very stressful for the mind, body and spirit. But there is hope. Incorporating acupuncture and TCM into your overall fertility treatment plan can help. Acupuncture has been shown to increase the chance of conceiving when used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization, and TCM can be very effective in addressing the underlying emotional causes of infertility.


Because much is demanded of your body during this time, your pregnancy may come with its own unique challenges. Remember,  caring for your health is key for well-being of both you and your baby.


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been shown to be safe and effective for many of the symptoms that often accompany pregnancy, including:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Back pain and sciatica
  • Constipation
  • Edema
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Morning Sickness

Recent studies have show the use of acupuncture during labor may actually reduce the need of pain medication and help the mother stay home more relaxed. After childbirth, acupuncture and TCM can help new mother recover, re-balance and rejuvenate.





Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, memory problem, vaginal dryness and changes in libido are all signs and symptoms of menopause, a natural transition that marks the end of a women, it’s shouldn’t be a burden. Many of the signs and symptoms of menopause can be relieved through acupuncture and TCM. Your acupuncturist can develop a plan that works together with Western therapies to help you feel more comfortable, and be more active during this time-of change in your life.



Heart Disease


According to the American Heart Association, “nearly twice as many women in the United States die of heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases than from all forms of cancer, including breast cancer.” Several factors can increase a woman’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke.


In addition to acupuncture, your practitioner may provide nutritional guidelines, an exercise program, or stress relief suggestions. He or she may also recommend herbal remedies specifically tailored to your need.


By working together and making positive lifestyle changes, you soon will be enjoying the many benefits a well-balanced and healthy life can give every woman.








WebMd.com.2005. http://women.webmd.com/features/when-your-period-signals-problem

Rabinowitz, Naomi, MD, dIPL.AC.

Acupuncture Media works

Josewick, Diane, L.Ac., “Acupuncture and menopause”


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